Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I hope all of you heard about our Jog-A-Thon last Friday! It was so fun and the kids ran so well! I am not sure how much money our class brought in but you still have time to make a donation as the money isn't due until Friday, May 11. 

Open House is this Thursday at 6:30. I hope your entire family will be able to come and visit our classroom. Your child is very excited to show you around. He/she will be your personal tour guide so stick close to him/her and be ready for a great personal tour! 

Have you seen our new garden box? It is fabulous! The students did a wonderful job redoing it. Much thanks to Linda Morales for leading them in this project! 

Our end of the year party is on Wednesday, June 6. We will be going to Seacliff Beach. A permission slip will be coming home soon. If you plan to drive, please make sure your driver's forms are updated and in the office well before the date of the trip. 

Many thanks to all of our wonderful workshop volunteers who have helped us all year long. I wanted to let you all know that we appreciate your help and that we won't be having workshops anymore this year. 

See you Thursday night!