Friday, October 14, 2011

Week of October 17

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to speak with all of you during conferences this week but boy I am happy to get back to a full school day! Those shorts days are crazy!

This week in reading our strategy focus will be on predicting and inferring. This is a fun way for us to pretend we are the author of the story! Also, in our stories this week we will be looking at verb endings, short /i/ words and words in the /ip/ family.

We will be planting our garden this week thanks to our garden volunteers and studying about the 4 seasons.

In math we will start learning about subtraction and the relationship between addition and subtraction. So now it is time to get out the subtractions flashcards and add them to the addition ones you are already using daily with your child. I am really seeing the difference when your work with your child using flashcards so please keep it up!

Our new word wall words are.....your, want, because, many, most