Thursday, November 10, 2011

I hope you all have a restful three day weekend! I know that I will! Here is a peek at the coming week!

This week in reading our strategy focus will be on sequencing the events in a story. Have fun doing this at home with the stories you and your child read.

Is your child showing you phonograms in the words that he/she is reading? They are doing it in the classroom all the time! It is amazing how quickly they are learning their phonograms and using them to read unknown words! I will continue teaching phonograms, one at a time, to the class.

Our new word wall words are.......down, words, would, water, why

We will wrap up our study of seeds this week by making our best guess playing the "Mystery Seed" game with the seeds that my class brought in.

We will begin our study of times now and long ago with a look at our baby pictures noticing how we all have changed over the years.