Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Looking at next week, remember it is a very short one as we get to start our Thanksgiving holiday early on Wednesday! I look forward to celebrating at home with my family and I will be giving thanks for this wonderful group of children I get to work with daily!

In your child's folder on Tuesday, you will find a special at home project based on the story they heard,  Knots on a Counting Rope. Help your child remember to bring back the rope on Monday when we return.

Report cards are going home on Tuesday so please keep the report card, sign the envelope and help your child remember to bring it back to school on Monday.

In Language Arts we will be continue focusing on clarifying our stories. The Houghton Mifflin stories we will read help us learn how to do this. We will read a darling story about a dog who gets lost and makes a big mess! I am sure the kids will be able to relate!

No new word wall words. Please take this time to review those previously taught.

No new phonograms so please take the time to review these and find them in the words that you read.

We will be continue focusing on writing with much detail as we write about the many things that we are thankful for. Children who speak with many details are those who have an easier time writing with many details so help your child in the area whenever you can. We practice it all the time here in the classroom.

Did you hear about our garden? Yes! It is sad but true! The deer came and had quite a feast leaving us with only one strawberry! Thanks to Mrs. Spencer for replanting the garden right away.

In Social Studies we will be looking at times long ago. We will enjoy guessing who are the kids in the baby pictures this coming week so if you haven't sent in your child's baby picture with three clues yet, you still have time.