Friday, November 9, 2012

Looking forward to our coming week! Remember there is no school on Monday so it will be a short one.

In Language Arts we will be focused on clarifying our stories. The Houghton Mifflin stories we will read help us learn how to do this. We will read a darling story about a dog who gets lost and makes a big mess! I am sure the kids will be able to relate!

Our word wall words are: down, their, would, than, or

Our phongrams will be: oa, oe, igh, ir, ur, wor, ear.

We will be focusing on writing with much detail as we write about the many things that we are thankful for. Children who speak with many details are those who have an easier time writing with many details so help your child in the area whenever you can. We practice it all the time here in the classroom.

Our garden is looking amazing and we will be harvesting and then eating some of the vegetables this coming week. Stop by before hand to have a look. We are quite proud of our garden!

In Social Studies we will be looking at times long ago. We will enjoy guessing who are the kids in the baby pictures this coming week so if you haven't sent in your child's baby picture with three clues yet, you still have time.