Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another fun week was had by all in Room 6!

Language Arts: We listened and read many different books this week. With each book, we listened for the short vowel sounds in words. We went on short vowel hunts several times this week and it is getting easier each time to hear the short vowel sounds. We  learned about Bossy E and how he makes the vowel say their names. Next week we will do a story extension with Jasper's Beanstalk!

Word Wall Words: also, been, has, little, make

Math: We will continue working in Chapter 5 next week and start on Chapter 26 taking a look at shapes, sides and corners. Continue daily work with flash cards at home as I see a big difference when that is part of the daily homework.

Science: We will continue our study of seasons focusing on Autumn. Look for your child's Science Journal to come home for one night. You can enjoy hearing all about what your child has learned in science. Please write on the Readers' Comment Page and help your child remember to return it to school the following day.

Health: We will continue our study of the different food groups focusing on the grain group. Help your child at home by talking about the difference food groups represented on his/her plate each night at dinner.

Library: Remember that we go to the Rio del Mar Library each Friday so help your child bring back his/her book by Friday of the next week.