Friday, September 21, 2012

What a fun week we had! Did you hear all about our ants? They have been just as busy as we were working and playing together! Fluffy arrived this week too! We are happy to have him as our class pet. If you would like your child to take Fluffy home for the weekend, please send in a signed note telling me so. We loved our special music assembly that was provided by the Cox Family and we enjoyed writing a thank you letter telling them how much we appreciated it.

Here is a peek at the coming week:

Language Arts: All of our stories this week will be focused on summarizing so after each story we will work on this. Enjoy doing this at home too. Our stories will also have many action words so we will work on noticing all the them in our stories.

Word Wall Words: most, where, him, go, friend,

Handwriting: We finished learning how to write all of our lower and upper case alphabet letters and it would be very helpful if you had your child practice at home too. They love to show you how well they are writing and they think it is fun too!

Science: We will finish our study of insects this week. We will put all of our insect work into our Science Journal. You child will bring home his/her Science Journal for one night for you to enjoy. Please writing on the comments page in the back of the journal and help your child remember to bring it back to school the next day.
We will also start of study of the four seasons as we move from summer to fall.

Math: We will continue our study of addition. It has been very helpful to see how many of you are helping your child at home with the use of flashcards and extra math worksheets. Remember to follow along in your At Home Math Book as we work through Chapter 5.

PE: We are so thankful that you are helping your child remember to wear the appropriate attire on Mondays and Tuesday so he/she can participate fully in all of our physical activities. Thank you!

Health: We will continue our study of nutrition with a focus on the fruit group. Good health and good food choices are so important for children to understand. Enjoy many different fruits this week to help your child learn more about our food group focus this week. 

Library: Remember that we go to the Rio del Mar Library each Friday so help your child bring back his/her book by Friday of the next week.