Friday, September 7, 2012

We enjoyed a great short week and boy, did it go by fast! 

I wanted to let you know that each Friday is our library day so please help your child remember to bring back his/her book by the following Friday. 

PE: Starting next week we will be having PE every Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure your child has shoes appropriate for running, exercising and playing games.

Homework: On Monday, I will be sending home your child's first Reading Log along with a note explaining our first grade homework policy. Please record your child's nightly reading and help your child remember to return the Reading Log to school every Friday. If your child forgets, he/she can bring it in on the following Monday.

Handwriting: We have completed all of our circle (2 o’clock) letters and all of our straight line letters. We will now start to learn how to write capital letters the first grade way!  Please find some time each day to help your child with his/her handwriting skills.

Next week:

Language Arts: All of our Houghton Mifflin stories will focus on noting details. Details add so much to a story and we will be working on adding as much detail as possible when we do our shared writing and illustrating next week. We will also focus on capitalizing proper names next week  as we do our shared writing. Please help with these skills at home as you read and write with your child.

Word Wall Words: do, after, by, what, can 

Math: We will start our chapter on addition. The children love adding and many understand the concept of putting groups of things together and then seeing how many you have in all. So it is time to get out those addition flashcards and fun math games to help your child at home. There are many fun computer games that help with the concept of addition too!

Science: We will start our study of insects next week and I expect our shipment of "friends" to arrive on Monday or Tuesday so ask your child all about it then! It is also a fun way that we learn about the concept of community and working together too!

Thank you so much for all the generous donations of your time, talent and gifts! I appreciate it so much and cannot thank you enough. 

Have a fabulous weekend,